REVISION Resources
Teacher, parents and tutors will often tell students to revise - perhaps even when, how often and how long for. The 'how' to revise can often be based on what students think is good revision but often isn't backed by evidence that it is effective.
Parents can support their children in revising by ensuring that they approach the content is small, manageable chunks which allows the student time to practice and build skills and knowledge gradually. Remember that revision is a marathon and not a sprint! Cramming sessions before an assessment will just make you tired the next day.
In addition you can help by ensuring your child has a purposeful place to revise, free from distractions such as social media.
Below you will find resources that teachers have put together to ensure that what the students are revising is high quality and will help them develop knowledge and skills based upon gaps that their teachers have identified. If you would like to discuss revision further, please contact your child's form tutor.
English Revision - January 2024