Year 10 work experience dates:
8th - 12th July 2024
Year 10 Summer 2024
Balfour Beatty HS2 Work Experience application form
Overview 2023
Work experience 10-14th July 2023.
As part of the government’s national curriculum, our Year 10 students will be involved in a Work Experience Placement during the last week of the summer term.
This is an important part of the school’s curriculum and the benefits students gain from being in an adult working environment can play a vital role in their successful transition from school to work; it may also offer an insight into a career, part-time or even full-time work, or a training place.
To ensure an enjoyable and successful placement it is important that students identify the nature of the work they would like to discover.
In previous years, most students have contacted an employer themselves. Many companies and organisations prefer this, they feel the student has shown both interest and initiative. In the majority of cases our students have had a very rewarding and enjoyable work experience placement and most employers speak highly of the contribution made by our students.
In the past, placements have been arranged in:-
Most companies will only take one student per week, and the Stafford high schools all choose a different week to organise work experience. However, as you can imagine, many companies are approached for work experience placements many times during the year so it is important for students to make contact with an employer as soon as possible.
Students can really go anywhere for their placement, although we must consider safety, transport arrangements and availability. Once a student has secured their own placement, you must supply the school with a name and address (the proforma for this is below) as we will need to write to the company/organisation to confirm the arrangements and to ensure that the necessary insurance is in place. Employers accepting a student on work experience need to have Public Liability and Employers Liability insurance. For the majority of companies this is standard practice, but some sole traders, who do not employ anyone else, may not have this insurance.
We have built up a database of the companies and organisations who have accepted our pupils in the past and will write to many of these companies and ask them to support us again in offering another placement.
Communications 2023
Final Work Experience Presentation July 2023
Y10 Work Experience Presentation
WEX Zoom Meeting for Parents Information Evening on 30.03.23
Letter to parents - December 2022 - App confirmation WEX
MPFT work Experience Application Form
Letter for Y10 and Y12 parents - November 2022
Other resources 2023
Previous work experience placements
Balfour Beatty Vinci HS2 work experience application form.