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Performing Arts (Y9-11)

We have an annual School Production which is open to all year groups and is a good way of developing wider school friendships for pupils.

The department offers trips to local theatres as well as London’s famous West End whenever possible.

Drama provides a varied curriculum which deals with age-relevant, historical and social issues and topics.  We have a dedicated studio and workshop area as well as access to the main stage in the school hall.

Close links with other ‘Arts’ subjects within the school means lots of collaborative work between departments such as Art, Music and English, resulting in the three Artsmark Gold Awards from the British Arts Council, testimony to the school’s commitment to, and excellence in, arts education.

Subject staff

 Mrs E Bott - Curriculum Leader

Curriculum Overview

Drama is a compulsory subject in Year 7 and Year 8.  For these students Drama mainly centres around building confidence with ‘Circle Time’ and various games, which also helps pupils settle into secondary school life.

In Year 9, students will study: BTEC  award, Level 2 Performing Arts exploring:

  • The History of Theatre
  • The work of a variety of theatre practitioners
  • Musical Theatre
  • Devising

In Years 10 & 11, students will study: BTEC  award Level 2 Performing Arts studying:

  • The requirements of being a performer
  • The work of professional directors and theatre companies
  • Musical Theatre
  • Respond to a brief

Years taught:



BTEC Level 2  - Edexcel Performing Arts


Curriculum Rationale 

 Curriculum Mapping 


There are a number of exciting opportunities in performing arts at lunchtimes and after-school these include:
the school musical ( Sept- January), Trinity College Drama Examinations (after-school Mondays), Dance for the Summer Concert (April-July) and Dance Club Friday lunchtimes.
Anyone who is interested can join these activities you don't have to do BTEC Performing Arts to participate. 

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